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Why e-learning should be called e-training

E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development 11 min. read

Has working life adapted to the Swedes' search behavior?

Knowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development 3 min. read

Digital learning for employees without computers or permanent workplace

Performance SupportInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

Easily accessible knowledge streamlines education for new employees

E-learningPerformance SupportInfoCaption in actionOnboarding 4 min. read

How to prevent what is taught from being forgotten

E-learningPerformance SupportInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

Be inspired by the gaming world - share knowledge like a pro

Performance SupportBusiness development 6 min. read
What happens after a course?
E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

It can be hard to start creating in a new organisation. Even though you are qualified, know your job and have a positive attitude, new computer systems, ways of working and routines still demand your...

The Borders Are Being Erased Between Education, Documentation and Support
E-learningHelpdeskKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

Informal learning is discussed a lot and is becoming a hot topic at more and more workplaces. This is in large part due to YouTube, Google and various Internet forums providing vast amounts of...

What is Performance Support, and how can it be used?
E-learningPerformance SupportBusiness development

According to the 70-20-10 model, most learning in the workplace doesn't happen through courses but in daily work. Most organizations do little or nothing to support this "informal" learning. In this...

Lack of knowledge may lead to stress and frustration among co-workers
Performance SupportBusiness development

Whatever the situation, you can never do more than your best with the prerequisites at hand. If co-workers lack the tools necessary to do their job to the best of their ability it may create a lot of...

How to prepare your workplace for Millennials
E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

We are the millennials, also known as digital natives. We have grown up in a world where information isn’t just everywhere, but also available through a quick search and click of a few buttons. We,...

Share Knowledge = Grow Together
Knowledge ManagementPerformance Support

It was once said that knowledge is power, and that might still be true in some cases. But if we share our thoughts and ideas, we can help eachother out and proceed faster. Share what you know with...