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4 steps for successful IT implementation from a learning perspective

Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentWorkflow learning 7 min. read

Process Mapping 101: A Guide to Boosting Organisational Efficiency

Knowledge ManagementProcess 3 min. read

5 Signs Your Business Needs a Centralized Information Platform

Knowledge ManagementBusiness development 3 min. read

Efficient process workflow in Älmhult municipality: Collaboration & comprehensive insight

Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

How to get your very own guide at work

Knowledge ManagementPerformance Support 4 min. read

Understand Single Point of Truth: What does it mean?

Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentWorkflow learning 3 min. read
How to reduce the risks of digital working methods in your organisation
Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentWorkflow learning

The digitization of workplaces is increasing, but we need to learn more about how it affects the work environment and the strain on the brain. That is why it was gratifying to read about the Swedish...

Interactivity with clicks and tests stimulates learning
Knowledge ManagementInfoCaption in action

The fact that humans are different is nothing new. We are different in the way we want to consume information and knowledge; some of us want to see and hear while others prefer to read the same...

Simple step-by-step guides solve challenges around internal knowledge sharing
Knowledge ManagementInfoCaption in actionOnboarding

Many companies and organizations most certainly have employees who possess essential knowledge for the business. How to share this knowledge simply and effectively is one of the heart issues for us...

Lessons about learning in work life after the pandemic
E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance Support

The pandemic has forever changed our working day. For many of us, for example, teleworking from a home office is no longer just a flexible opportunity that the employer provides but a normal part of...

Why employers should pay attention to knowledge-related stress
Knowledge ManagementBusiness development

All people have been exposed to stress at some point in their working lives. When the demands on the workplace increase and feel overwhelming, the need for recovery also increases. But with good...

Streamline software introduction with context-sensitive help
Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action

Updates and changes to systems often place great demands on both the organisation and employees. For over fifteen years, 13,000 employees, 1,500 administrators, and 500 managers at Region Uppsala...