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Streamline software introduction with context-sensitive help

Updates and changes to systems often place great demands on both the organisation and employees. For over fifteen years, 13,000 employees, 1,500 administrators, and 500 managers at Region Uppsala have worked in five different systems that will now be merged and replaced by a new system. So how do you handle a change of this magnitude in the most efficient way possible?

System support that guides the end-user in every unique situation

The fact that systems are updated or replaced on occasion is a natural part of many people's jobs. However, when many employees have a different work schedule every other day, want to "do as they always did," and no longer feel they can turn to their colleagues for help, the organisation faces a significant challenge.

Region Uppsala contacted InfoCaption when their new HR and payroll system, Heroma, was set to be implemented. They needed help gathering the entire need for digital learning on one platform, with the goal of making self-help guides available in different ways. One component that was extremely important to take into account was context-sensitive help accessible directly in the new system.
With the help of InfoCaption, Region Uppsala effectively produced and made available training and instructional materials for changed routines and working methods. Thus, the new platform acts as an aid and guides the end-user in every unique situation he or she finds himself in.

By including system support directly in the workflow, you could significantly shorten the user's path to self-help. This also improves user success in the system because support is nearby, and users never have to leave their view.

Jessika Andersson, Object Manager Education and Learning in the Uppsala Region, says:

"We use guide portals made in InfoCaption to direct guides and information about Heroma to the right target group: managers, employees, or administrators. For those who work in the Heroma client, there is a training environment set up to do your exercises according to the exercise booklets with fictional people.

In addition to our portals, we use InfoCaption's context-sensitive help, which gives me the right guide in the right place in the system once I know so much about the system that I do not have to keep my manual. In addition, we have made it possible to direct information on how to administer the system in the best way. It is good to show a common way of working for most people so that we do not get deviations.

With the help of InfoCaption, we have created a sustainable, financial, and individualized support system for learning Heroma.”

Region Uppsala_inline_pluginThe web version of Heroma, with Inline as a browser plugin. 

Region Uppsala_inline_windows appClient-based Heroma, with Inline as a Windows application.

Access to information creates an efficient introduction

Implementing systems can be complicated, no matter how large the organisation is. It is therefore essential to make it easy for users right from the start. Since it is incredibly easy to search for information and knowledge via search engines in our everyday lives, it should be just as easy to get information and knowledge within the organisation.

By, already at an early stage, streamlining the platform and gathering all information in one place, you create good conditions for users—a simple trick to increase efficiency and reduce stress levels for employees.



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The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Annika Björlin-Delmar InfoCaption

Annika Björlin-Delmar