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Shared Health Course Inspires Regions Across Sweden

Unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as lack of physical activity, poor diet, and harmful alcohol habits, pose significant risks to health and quality of life. To address this challenge, Region Västernorrland has developed an innovative digital training program to facilitate discussions about people's lifestyle habits. The training aims to provide healthcare professionals with the necessary support to initiate and manage these conversations effectively and promote healthy behaviours.

In 2021, the National Board of Health and Welfare published a comprehensive national healthcare program on "unhealthy lifestyle habits". Realizing that few had time to read its 140 pages, Iwona Jacobsson, a strategist at the public health unit, took the initiative to create a digital course in InfoCaption. By condensing the content into 21 pages, an accessible resource was created for health and medical care personnel.

The interactive training is designed to provide engaging and accessible support for staff who meet patients in healthcare settings. Using illustrations, summaries, and videos, it aims to serve as a knowledge base and source of inspiration for initiating discussions on lifestyle habits with patients. Besides covering the four main areas of the national healthcare program—eating habits, alcohol, tobacco, and physical activity—the course includes bonus sections on stress, recovery, and conversation techniques.

Region Västernorrland's initiative has been met with positive responses from staff and is now garnering interest among more regions in Sweden. As the challenges with unhealthy lifestyle habits are similar throughout the country, several regions have shown interest in adopting and implementing this training. It is, therefore, heartening news for all regions that the course is now available on InfoCaption's DELA platform. In addition to this newly added gem, there is much other content pre-made for public services. In some cases, the courses are used as they are; in other cases, they are customized in colour, form, and content.

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Here is a link to Region Västernorrland's course via DELA 

In conclusion, we celebrate Region Västernorrland's important training and wish them continued success in their work to promote healthy lifestyle habits and improve well-being for everyone. With their innovative work, they have paved the way for a more effective and engaging healthcare environment, and we look forward to see how this initiative continues to inspire and support other regions around the country. Congratulations to Region Västernorrland on being this guide of the month!


Region Västernorrland receives the Guide of the Month Award

Every month, we at InfoCaption designate the Guide of the Month — a guide we want to highlight a bit extra for the value it creates in the organisation. As a thank you to the person(s) who created the Guide of the Month, we donate 1,000 SEK each month to the organisation Hand in Hand Sweden, which fights poverty by creating more jobs in vulnerable countries. Hand in Hand operates on the "help to self-help" model, which aligns with InfoCaption's mission "to make it easier for colleagues to help each other.”


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The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Axel Österlund InfoCaption

Axel Österlund