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Portal that inspire learning

How to best share knowledge within an organization can be challenging. At InfoCaption, we constantly work to simplify this task for as many organizations as possible. One of our heart issues is that knowledge should always be easily accessible when needed. The same should apply to formal training and other knowledge-enhancing material to simplify employees' working days.

Creating a portal that focuses on employee training is one of several ways to ensure that knowledge reaches as many people as possible. A portal can be created in the blink of an eye, but optimizing it so employees can find what they are looking for in the place they expect, can require a lot of time and planning. When you find what you are looking for quickly and easily, the knowledge-related stress of employees decreases.

JSC has taken the idea of a knowledge portal a step further. Creating an inspiring portal that focuses on the content without leaving the graphics to chance establishes a balance between seriousness and playfulness. With this balance primarily maintained by illustrating the knowledge island in JSC's colors, it will be easier for employees to find what they seek.

Anna Palmgren (business developer) JSC goes on to say:

"The idea and purpose of creating a Competence portal are that it should be the hub for our Competence Center. Here we want to collect training, instructions, certificates, courses about our customer offerings, etc., to have a natural place for competence development and questions. You should be able to use it both when you "have a plan" and when you just want to be inspired by good courses that you generally benefit from in our industry."

Team InfoCaption thinks that JSC has found a golden balance with this portal. By implementing a creative illustration and, at the same time, guiding users to knowledge-enhancing content, they have come a long way toward becoming person-independent. And then it is said that a picture says more than a thousand words!

JSC has received the Guide of the Month award thanks to their fantastic work.

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The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Ida Linnér InfoCaption

Ida Linnér