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Do you know someone who should know about InfoCaption?

We greatly value all the constructive and pleasant feedback we receive about InfoCaption and the benefits it gives you. Your opinions inspire us to do a better job, further develop the product, and give you the best support we can!


Your opinions are important.

We constantly strive to live up to the vision that InfoCaption exists to make it easier for employees to help each other. We are convinced that all organizations can benefit from InfoCaption, and many of our customers in the public sector have wished for more people to use InfoCaption so that there are more material to share with one another. Do you agree?


Help us and get someting back.

Do you know someone who would benefit from InfoCaption? It’s easy to get stuck in your own bubble and forget that others can benefit from what you benefit from yourself. Now could the perfect moment to tell a friend about us - we value your tips and will of course give something back for it!

We offer consulting time.

For every tip that leads to a meeting, we offer 2 hours of consulting time for your organization. If the tip leads us to get more users to InfoCaption, we offer a full day! The time can be used to create or improve guides, set up portals, educate producers and much more.

When you recommend us to someone.

Ask them to either contact us, book a demo or sign up for a free trial. Remember to ask them to specify who they received the recommendation from so we can give you your price and thank you!

You know best why you want to recommend InfoCaption to someone and probably have examples of something you have created in InfoCaption. But if you need something to show, we have some videos down below for you to show them.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
The team behind Infocaption

Video: What is InfoCaption?

Video: What can you create?